WEB 101

Webster Hall 101/Collaborative Classroom

Photographs and figures may not represent recent room renovations.
Click on a photo to enlarge it.
There is an application process for this room
Visit the Webster 101 classroom page on the Center for Teaching Excellence (CTE) website for a detailed description of the room, application process, operation of equipment, and other related information. Inquiries can be sent to webster101.cte@gmail.com.

Room and Media Equipment Specifications

Room Size 52' x 26'
Seating Capacity 65
Maximum Occupancy TBD
Seating Type Tables and chairs
Lighting Type Fluorescent
Windows Yes
Window Treatment Mini blinds w/ Shades
Writing Surface Markerboard:
(10x) 76' total
Air Conditioning Yes
Flooring Treatment Carpet
Internet Access Ethernet, Wireless
Display 52' Display (8)
Projection Screen
Computer PC
Video Sources Airplay, Blu-ray, Document Cam, DVD, VCR, Webcam (Polycom USB: camera/mic/speaker)
Other Equipment iClicker Base, Interactive Monitor
Auxiliary Inputs/Outputs USB, Ethernet, HDMI Cable, Mini Display Port Cable
PA System  Lavalier Mic
Wireless Mic Receiver  
Assistive Listening System  
Equipment Instructions  
Comments Revised 3/8/21