As of January 2024, iClicker Classic is no longer supported. iClicker Cloud is the sole supported software for all iClicker users. iClicker bases are not required to use the iClicker Cloud software as long as all students are using the iClicker Student App. You will need the base if you want to use the iClicker Instructor Remote or allow students to use the Student Remote.
CIS provides support for only CIS issued iClicker Bases and Instructor Remotes.
How can I learn more about iClickers?
- The Center for Teaching Excellence (CTE) regularly provides excellent introductory workshops showcasing successful pedagogical uses of iClickers.
- The iClicker Support Site has knowledge base articles to help with almost every iClicker problem. Questions can also be directed to Melissa O’Brien, the UH Mānoa iClicker Specialist.
- Faculty can sign sign up for training with an iClicker Specialist.
How do instructors get started using a course with iClicker Cloud?
Faculty need to go through three steps to set up their course to use the iClicker system.
- Visit iClicker Cloud’s webpage and create an instructor account using their UH email, and then create the course under the University of Hawaii specific campus (ex. Manoa)
- Create a course using the University of Hawaii System as the institution.
- Integrate the course through the settings with Laulima. This is an LTI single-column integration. All students will need to click the iClicker link in Laulima at least once for their grades to sync over
Laulima is compatible with iClicker Cloud. Integration with Laulima can be found on the Laulima Faculty Tutorials page.
Additional information regarding iClicker Cloud integration can be found below:
- Using iClicker to engage with students
- How to create an iClicker Cloud Instructor Account
- How to create a course in iClicker Cloud
- How to manage iClicker Cloud course settings
- Current iClicker Users: How to prepare for a new term in iClicker Cloud
- How to run a practice session in iClicker Cloud
- iClicker first day of class slides
- Student onboarding templates
- Using iClicker for attendance
- Using iClicker Cloud for attendance only (no polling or quizzing). Attendance does not sync to LMS
- How to set up LTI intergration
- How to integrate iClicker Cloud with Laulima
- How to download grades from iClicker Cloud and manually import them to my LMS
How does an instructor use iClicker Cloud during a class session?
Ensure the instructor’s computer has the iClicker Cloud software installed. iClicker Cloud should then be run off of the instructor’s computer. A floating control bar will be shown that can be used to create poll questions and collect responses. General Use Classrooms with in-room computers installed should already have the iClicker Cloud software installed. Pedagogical Training is also available to assist with incorporating the student response system to an instructor’s class flow.
Can iClicker Cloud be used with remote instruction/hybrid courses?
A student is able to participate in iClicker Cloud remotely if they are using the iClicker Student App from their mobile device. Students will not be able to participate remotely with a physical iClicker Student Remote (see iClicker Base & Remote FAQ for more details).
Additional information regarding remote instruction:
Can instructors order student iClicker remotes from the Mānoa Bookstore?
Instructors can order student iClicker remotes along with required textbooks for the course through their department from the UH Manoa Bookstore. If you plan to purchase your own base unit, include that information with your order.
Submit your orders by the last week of the current semester so that base and software setup can begin before classes start for the following semester.
Can Instructors use their own laptop with an iClicker Base?
iClicker Bases in classrooms are attached to the computer installed in that room. Instructors preferring to use their own laptops with an iClicker Base, or are scheduled in general-use classrooms without installed iClicker Bases, must use a separate iClicker Base with their laptop.
My classroom doesn’t have an iClicker base. How can I obtain one?
View a list of classrooms with iClicker Bases
CIS has a limited number of iClicker Bases to loan faculty. Bases may be checked out the week prior to the start of the semester but must be returned by the last day of final exams. Scheduling will be done on a first-come, first-served basis, however, new users will be given preference to those that have scheduled bases in previous semesters.
Software and documentation can be downloaded directly from the iClicker downloads page.
Additional information regarding iClicker Bases and Remotes:
How does a student access their course in iClicker with the iClicker App?
Students will need to download the iClicker Student app to their mobile device or laptop and set up an account using their Student ID and UH email address. Students will be charged a $6 iClicker charge if they sign up for access on the iClicker website. This charge will be reflected on their MyUH student account. Once they have created their account, they will be able to search for and add themselves to the course within the iClicker Student App. If instructors are integrating their course to Laulima, students will also need to click the LTI link in Laulima.
My class syllabus says I could use an iClicker Student Remote instead of the iClicker App. Where can I get a Student Remote?
Students purchase their iClicker Remotes through the Mānoa Bookstore and can use the same iClicker over their entire academic career with no additional registration fees. In addition, they will be able to sell their clicker back to the Mānoa Bookstore at the end of the year as part of the Bookstore’s buy-back program.
How do I register my iClicker Remote?
Students must register their remote directly in their iClicker Student App. Once registered on their account, students can use it in any class for their entire academic career.
What if my iClicker Remote number is already registered?
This is not an issue with the iClicker Cloud software. The only way this would be a problem is if two students have the same remote registered in the iClicker Student App, and are in the same class. The instructor would see this on their iClicker gradebook and be able to address it.
How do I use my iClicker Remote?
To turn on your iClicker, press the On/Off button at the bottom of the clicker. The power light should shine blue. The clicker will remain on for 90 minutes as long as there is an activated base in your classroom. If you leave class and forget to turn off your clicker, it will automatically turn off after 5 minutes. To respond to a question, press the button corresponding to the answer you wish to submit. When the vote status light shines green, your response has been received. A red flashing light indicates that your vote was not received and you will need to vote again. Additionally, your clicker will flash red if your instructor has not begun polling. If you wish to change your response, simply press the button corresponding to the new answer you wish to submit.
What if I am having problems with my iClicker Remote?
First, check the batteries. There is a standard one-year limited warranty with each clicker. If it is defective, you may return it to the Bookstore. If you return a clicker that you have already registered, don’t forget to change your registration information on the iClicker website and inform your instructor to update his class roster information.
Is technical support available for students?
For technical support relating to purchased iClicker Student Remotes, or iClicker Student Accounts, contact the UH Mānoa Textbook Department at (808) 956-8022 or
For technical support relating to the iClicker App, contact the Student Support Team and complete a support form.
I’m taking a class that’s using another clicker system. Can I just use my iClicker?
No. iClicker works on a different frequency than other clicker systems on campus, so it cannot be used with any other system. Likewise, you will not be able to use other clickers in a class where your instructor is using the iClicker system.